The fourth rule of building with Ultravox: “Tools are Just Functions”.

Tools in Ultravox (also known as function calling) are a powerful way to extend your agents' capabilities by connecting them to external services and systems. At their core, tools are simply functions that agents can invoke to perform specific actions or retrieve information.

Ultravox includes built-in tools and you can create custom tools.

Here are some of the things you can do with tools:

Communicate with the Outside world

Lookup the weather, get movie times, create calendar events, or send emails.

Order Lookup

Lookup orders, backordered items, or provide shipment updates.

Knowledge Base

Consult product and support documentation for contextual support.

Create Support Case

Open tailored support cases for human follow-up.

Transfer Call

Hand-off or escalate calls to human support agents.

End Call

End calls due to user inactivity or after successful resolution.

Any functionality you can encapsulate in a function can be exposed to your agents as a tool. Addtionally, Ultravox automatically calls the underlying function so you don't have to sweat gluing things together.

Versatile? Check. Powerful? Check. Easy to Implement? Check.