Stages represent distinct segments of the conversation where different parameters (e.g. system prompt or tools) may have been used.
The pagination cursor value.
Number of results to return per page.
The number of errors in this call stage.
results. inactivityMessages
Messages spoken by the agent when the user is inactive for the specified duration. Durations are cumulative, so a message m > 1 with duration 30s will be spoken 30 seconds after message m-1.
results.inactivityMessages. duration
The duration after which the message should be spoken.
results.inactivityMessages. endBehavior
The behavior to exhibit when the message is finished being spoken.
Available options:
results.inactivityMessages. message
BCP47 language code that may be used to guide speech recognition.
Maximum length: 16
results. model
default: fixie-ai/ultravox
results. timeExceededMessage